He added that in municipal kindergartens, the average salary will be 50 thousand rubles.

He added that in municipal kindergartens, the average salary will be 50 thousand rubles.

This is a very important skill. It is the word “dialogue” that is important here. You are entrusted to maintain a dialogue – between our countries, our scientists, our people, ”said Borovskaya. 

She emphasized the need to master methods through new information technologies, and also noted the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, projects of bilateral cooperation between countries, including the opening of scientific laboratories, where learning a foreign language and immersion in it is important for effective work.

In turn, MGIMO rector Anatoly Torkunov said that the interest in the French language in Russia and the study of the Russian language in France is currently very high. 

“Of course, we should talk about systematic work to popularize the French language on our part and the Russian language on the part of our colleagues in France, since this is precisely the basis for understanding between the two peoples, establishing, among other things, professional contacts between countries.” , – said Torkunov. 

The congress is attended by about 250 French language teachers – representatives of about 50 Russian cities.

The universities participating in the 5-100 project provide 50% of scientific publications, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said. 

She announced this during a meeting of members of the Association “Global Universities”.

“Participating universities provide 50 percent of scientific publications. On average, 1,700 foreign students study at universities participating in the project. We are in 17th place in international rankings, but we must reach no lower than 10th, ”Golikova said. 

She noted that the presence in the rankings is mainly assessed by the Web of Science and Scopus.

“I would like to draw your attention to industry subject ratings. We put industry-specific universities in an unequal position. We must make a decisive contribution to the staffing of our economy, ”said Golikova. 

The project to improve the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world’s leading research and educational centers (Project 5-100), in which the leading universities of the country participate, was launched by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2013. The goal of the project is to have five Russian higher educational institutions among the top 100 universities in the world by 2020.

The success of the project will be assessed by the three most authoritative world university rankings – QS, Times Higher Education and ARWU.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science will conduct a national study of the quality of education in geography in grades 7 and 10 in October, said Anzor Muzaev, deputy head of the department. 

NIKO for grade 7 students will be held on October 16, for grade 10 – on October 18. More than 50 thousand schoolchildren from 647 educational institutions of 80 regions of Russia will take part in the study.

“Among the educational organizations included in the sample, 38% are rural, 62% are urban,” said Muzaev. 

The results of the study will be announced in December 2018.

National Research on the Quality of Education (NIKO) is an all-Russian program for assessing the quality of secondary education. It was launched by Rosobrnadzor in 2014 in order to get an objective picture of students’ knowledge and identify gaps in the school curriculum. Research is carried out in order to develop a unified educational space in the Russian Federation, to improve the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education.

Monitoring studies have already been conducted within the NIKO:

the quality of mathematics education in grades 5, 6 and 7 (October 2014); the quality of primary education in the Russian language, mathematics and the world around us in grade 4 (April 2015); the quality of education in the field of information technology in grades 8 and 9 (October 2015); the quality of education in history and social studies in grades 6 and 8 (April 2016); the quality of education in foreign languages ​​in grades 5 and 8 (October 2016); the quality of education in the basics of life safety (life safety) in grades 6, 8 and 9 (April 2017); the quality of education in chemistry and biology in 10 classes (October 2017), literature and world art culture (April 2018).

Russian Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva recalled the need to reduce reporting for teachers, the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reported. 

She stated this during a conference call on the implementation of the national project “Education”.

Vasilyeva stressed that “the reporting burden on teachers should be reduced, there are all legal grounds for this.”

“When we talk about digitalization, we primarily mean high-speed free internet in every school. We will implement this task together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. We want to completely transfer schools to automated processes, such as cloud accounting, electronic reporting, transfer all documentation to electronic media, to make it easier. I want to tell the leaders who hear us: there are instructions from the Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and they must be fulfilled, including the instructions to reduce reporting, ”Vasilyeva said. 

According to the minister, the reporting burden on the teacher should be reduced to three documents: a diary, a journal and an educational program. 

The Association “Global Universities” has proposed to include new universities in the 5-100 project from 2020, TASS reports with reference to the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov. 

He stated this during a meeting of members of the Association “Global Universities”.

“We propose the expansion of the 5-100 project from 2020, when it ends, taking into account the need to include Russian universities in the global subject rankings in those key areas of scientific and technological development, where Russia is not currently represented,” Kuzminov said.

The association believes that this will give Russian universities an opportunity to enter subject rankings in such areas as agriculture, transport, biotechnology, clinical medicine, urban studies and communications.

The project to improve the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world’s leading research and educational centers (Project 5-100), in which the leading universities of the country participate, was launched by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2013. The goal of the project is to have five Russian higher educational institutions among the top 100 universities in the world by 2020.

The success of the project will be assessed by the three most authoritative world university rankings – QS, Times Higher Education and ARWU.

More than 2,570 places have been created in kindergartens built in the Moscow region since the beginning of 2018, according to the press service of the Ministry of the building complex of the Moscow region. 

In the framework of the state program “Education of the Moscow Region” 13 kindergartens have been commissioned in the region. 

“We control the construction of each facility and provide comprehensive support and communication between regional authorities and developers in resolving emerging hero narrative essay issues at all stages of project implementation – from obtaining expertise to the start of operation of facilities. According to the plan for 2018, it is planned to commission 10 more preschool educational institutions in Leninsky, Solnechnogorsk districts, urban districts of Bogorodsky, Mytishchi, Shatura, “said the minister of the regional building complex Ruslan Tagiev.

The press service notes that the Moscow region is the leader in the construction of social facilities in Russia: in the period from 2013 to 2017, more than 380 kindergartens were built in the Moscow region. 

In 2019, the planned average salary of teachers in schools in the Moscow region will be 54 thousand rubles, RIAMO reports with reference to the Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region – head of the financial support department Andrei Lazarev.

He stated this at a meeting of the Moscow Regional Duma. 

“In 2019, the planned average salary of teaching staff is 54 thousand rubles, the projected number of students for 2019 is 854 thousand, an increase of 6% by 2018,” Lazarev said.

He added that in municipal kindergartens, the average salary will be 50 thousand rubles.

Over the past five years, about 6 thousand young teachers have come to work in schools in the Moscow Region, according to the press service of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Region – Minister of Education of the Region Olga Zabralova. 

According to her, the vacancies of teachers in the region are filled by more than 98%. 

Zabralova stressed that the region pays great attention to attracting qualified teaching staff.

“Next year we will focus on attracting primary school teachers, we plan to employ about 350 specialists.