It was said that he was a friend of the Congolese President Joseph Kabila.
The company is due to submit documents and other reports related to compliance with anti-corruption and money laundering laws, and commodities trader Glencore has been targeted by US officials. The British-Swiss company claims to have been asked by the US Department of Justice to submit documents and other reports related to compliance with anti-corruption and money laundering laws. Glencore’s share price then collapsed.
The paper was the biggest loser in the FTSE 100 index at noon, with a minus of 12 percent at the top. The requested documents concern Glencore’s business in Nigeria, the Congo and Venezuela from 2007 to today, according to the company. Glencore plans to look into the request and provide further information in due course, but the news scared investors. Above all, she is concerned about fines in the USA. The Ministry’s request relates to several countries. This suggests that “there is a relatively thorough investigation,” said Tyler Broda, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets. In Venezuela, Glencore is an oil business.
In the Congo, the company operates large copper mines that also produce cobalt, a key component in lithium-ion batteries used in cell phones and electric cars. Glencore’s activities in the Congo have been the focus of the past few years. partly because of the connections to the Israeli diamond magnate Dan Gertler. In December, the US Treasury Department fined Gertler for alleged corruption in the Congo. It was said that he was a friend of the Congolese President Joseph Kabila. Gertler became a partner of Glencore in the 2000s and helped the company participate in the lucrative copper business. Gertler denied any wrongdoing through a spokesman. The Wall Street Journal reported last year that the Ontario Securities Commission, Canada’s top stock market regulator, was investigating payments to Gertler through one of Glencore’s copper mines in the Congo.
For its part, Glencore announced the OSC investigation into the Katanga Mine in November, announcing that three managers were stepping down. Glencore is one of the largest diversified mining companies in the world and one of the world’s largest commodity traders with 146,000 employees in more than 50 countries, including Coal, oil and copper. Source:, wne / DJ “(Photo: picture alliance / dpa) GlencoreXstrata fulfills a Chinese requirement for the merger. The commodity giant is separating from its copper mine in Peru. The purchase by a Chinese consortium washes away Urgently needed billions in the GlencoreXstrata till: The raw materials company GlencoreXstrata is selling its copper mine in Peru for 5.8 billion US dollars in cash to a Chinese consortium.
The sale clears the way for the commodity giant to complete its merger. Chinese authorities had only granted conditional approval for the merger between Glencore and Xstrata. GlencoreXstrata is now meeting these requirements with the sale of the mine, which will be sold to a group led by MMG Ltd, a division of the state-controlled China Minmetals Corp. For months there was negotiations about what the Las Bambas copper mine is worth. The deal is one of the largest Chinese mining acquisitions since 2008.
Back then, state-owned Chinalco bought a 12 percent stake in Rio Tinto for $ 14 billion, and GlencoreXstrata expects the deal to be completed by fall. Las Bambas is one of the largest mines in the Xstrata project portfolio. It is scheduled to start production in 2015 and then produce an estimated 460,000 tons of copper annually. GlencoreXstrata plans to reinvest the proceeds in the company and reduce debt. In 2013, GlencoreXstrata was deeper than expected after a billion dollar write-down on its acquisition of Xstrata last year.
The net loss amounted to 7.4 billion US dollars, after a profit of 1 billion dollars. The fourth largest mining company in the world emerged from the takeover of Anglo-Swiss Xstrata by competitor Glencore. The merged company had to write off goodwill of 7.5 billion dollars on the takeover. Source:, wne / DJ “Gröhe does not want to shake the Hartz IV recipients’ obligation to cooperate / Michael cap) SPD leader Nahles is thinking about removing the sanctions against young Hartz IV recipients. Otherwise these would be completely lost to the system. The CDU, on the other hand, sees a central point of aid in danger. The Union rejects the demand of the SPD leader Andrea Nahles declined to waive sanctions for young Hartz IV recipients. This was out of the question, said the vice-chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Hermann Gröhe, the newspapers of the Funke media group. “To support Hartz IV also include duties to cooperate with the aim of finding work again. “This is especially important for young unemployed people.” However, an obligation to cooperate is only on paper if there is no possibility of an unwillingness to cut benefits as well. “Young Hartz IV recipients can be punished more severely than older ones if they violate the applicable rules.
The entire service can be blocked for the first offense that goes beyond a failure to report. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil had already announced in the spring that he would examine individual provisions. Nahles had said: “How do sanctions work for younger people? Counterproductive! They never report to the job center again to look for a training position.
The result is unskilled young adults, whom we can no longer reach. “At the moment, after one year of employment there are six months, after two years twelve months of ALG I. From the age of 50, unemployed people with longer employment periods of 15, 18 or a maximum of 24 months (from the age of 58) receive ALG I. It amounts to 60 percent of the net salary earned in the last year before unemployment.
With one child, it is 67 percent. Nahles reacted cautiously to the demand of the North Rhine-Westphalian SPD state association to completely abolish Hartz IV. The contribution “flows into the debates we are now having,” she said. Source:, jwu / dpa “” Roller coaster shares for investors: the company sign in front of the corporate headquarters in Baar, Switzerland Rapid takeover puts Glencore’s shares in the spotlight. In Hong Kong, traders are already talking about a “price explosion”.
Experts also expect strong reactions at the start of the week in Europe. How will investors in Europe react to the latest takeover rumors? Before the IPO in Europe, analysts expect strong movements in Glencore. With a view to exceptionally strong premiums in Asia, stockbrokers have already spoken of a “price explosion”. In Hong Kong, the price of Glencore shares initially soared by around 72 percent, surpassing the overall market by a long way. Finally, the price of the tumbling commodities company was still 44 percent above the level at the end of last week.
Sales in Glencore stocks are four times normal, traders reported. “That was the mother of all short squeezes,” said one stockbroker. It should also spread to Europe and thus drive the already firmly anticipated basic resources sector even higher. The trigger for the price fireworks was a report in the “Telegraph” that Glencore was now open to takeovers. In addition, one of the house banks, Citigroup, is said to see a solution to the debt problem in a “going private” and there is an interest in buying the entire agricultural business from the Singapore state fund and others. Citigroup estimates the value of the business division at around 10.5 billion US dollars. Source:, mmo / DJ “The income from the cash registers was well above the expenditure (Photo: picture alliance / Marijan Murat) Thanks to the robust location In the labor market with high employment, the income of the health insurance companies increases.
At the same time, they exceed the expenses. So the financial cushion of the cash register is getting softer. Despite a record reserve of 19.2 billion euros last year, the statutory health insurances are sometimes hesitant to relieve the contributors. The Federal Ministry of Health noted that the potential for premium reductions has not yet been exhausted.
Thanks to the good economic situation, the 110 cash registers were able to generate a surplus of around 3.15 billion euros last year and increase their reserves to a new record. The surplus was almost twice as high as in the previous year with 1.62 billion euros. Income (233.72 billion euros) rose by 4.3 percent, while expenditure (230.56 billion euros) only grew by 3.5 percent. Among other things, the expenses for pharmaceuticals rose by 4.0 percent and for medical treatment by 4.9 percent. The outgoing Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe said that with the record reserves, the funds were on a good basis.
Everything speaks for the fact that the statutory health insurance (GKV) is also in the black in 2018. The GKV is well equipped to tackle the major challenges of the health care system. For the current year, the Ministry referred to the good general economic conditions in a communication. Expenditure would also develop moderately. In addition, the additional contribution levied by the health insurances for the employees is higher than necessary to cover the expenses.
Gröhe had set the average additional contribution rate of all health insurers for 2018 at 1.0 percent, previously it was 1.1 percent. However, each fund can set the contribution individually depending on its financial situation. According to the Ministry, the average additional contribution rate actually levied was 1.08 percent on January 1.
The potential for premium reductions is not exhausted. In future, all contributions are to be paid in equal parts by employees and employers. The head association of the health insurance companies defended the reluctance. “A small dip in the economy or a big flu wave can change the income or expenditure situation of the statutory health insurance so much that it makes sense to use the statutory leeway for reserves,” said association spokesman Florian Lanz. The top performer in terms of surpluses were the general local health insurance funds ( AOK) with an increase of around 1.45 billion euros and the substitute health insurance companies with the market leaders TK and Barmer with 1.1 billion euros. The health fund, into which premium income and tax subsidies flow, had liquid funds of 9.1 billion euros in mid-January. The German Hospital Association (DKG) called on the legislature to free up saved money for care.
The practice doctors also indirectly asked for more money. According to the representative assembly of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). Source:, jwu / rts / dpa “” The Federal Association of Sexuals, for example, as the Union and SPD envisage in their coalition agreement, are not compatible with the current budget Services sees no difference between “erotic and non-medical massages”. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) A group of members of the Bundestag around SPD health politician Lauterbach takes the corona crisis as an occasion and calls for a general ban on sex purchases. The responsible federal association, on the other hand, wants to reopen brothels and at the same time takes a step towards the MPs. The Federal Association of Sexual Services is demanding that the closings of all prostitution sites that were ordered in the Corona crisis be lifted. In an open letter, the association defends itself against 16 members of the Bundestag who recently called for a general ban on sex purchases. Unequal treatment of the industry, i.e. the further closure of brothels or even a ban on prostitution, is not justified by anything, according to the association.
The members of the Bundestag argued in a letter to the heads of government of the federal states: “It should be obvious that prostitution would have the effect of an epidemiological super-spreader – sexual acts are generally incompatible with social distancing”. When following up chains of infection, contact with prostitutes will most likely be kept secret. The letter was signed by 16 parliamentarians, including ex-health minister Hermann Gröhe from the CDU and the physician and SPD politician Karl Lauterbach.
Instead of a ban on buying sex, which pushes those affected into crime, the Federal Association for Sexual Services advocates transition assistance that gives prostitutes the right to decide against them. The association also demands that, in view of the contained pandemic, the prostitution industry must also be enabled “to generate income again and to offer customers good service that is humane, stabilizing and vital for them, especially in times of corona”. Like other industries, a corresponding hygiene concept has been drawn up and presented to politicians. From an epidemiological point of view, there is no difference “between erotic and non-medical massages”. The association stated that sex workers per se have a great interest in hygiene and their health, “because this is their capital”.
They have also always been trained to work while observing protective measures, for example using condoms against sexually transmitted diseases and undergoing health checks. It also said: “If you are not yet stuck in your attitude and open to other experiences, we would be happy to invite you to a brothel visit – after the corona has opened. You can get an impression of the processes in the various segments and enter into dialogue with sex workers. ” There are 33,000 officially registered prostitutes in Germany. The number of people actually working in the trade is likely to be significantly higher. Source:, lwe / dpa “Employees of a Berlin dental practice putting on protective clothing. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) German politics is doing something in the coronavirus crisis very much right.
But the dramatic shortage of protective clothing is also on the government’s cap. At the beginning of 2013, she ignored a risk analysis that showed: Germany could have been better prepared. In the north of Berlin, people are called upon to donate foils and disposable raincoats.