She puts the semantic stress on the word “good”
There is no order "close 15 percent of institutions by January 1"… Yes, often the level of teaching, especially in the branches of universities, is very low. And this, of course, worries the ministry, but according to the law, officials have no right to close the university altogether. The maximum is to revoke the license. But usually, if the inspectors have complaints about the institute, time is given to correct the shortcomings. – We do not have a task to close more universities and report on our achievements "up", – explains the deputy head of the federal service Elena GEVORKYAN. – In any case, when deciding the fate of an educational institution, we first of all think over what to do with students. It has never happened before that after the closure of training in any specialty, the guys find themselves on the street. The Ministry, together with the Association of Non-State Universities, is taking measures: we transfer someone to another institute for a similar specialty, someone goes to correspondence courses. Parents should not worry. It is worse if a student studies in a weak university and leaves it as a useless specialist. 2. Will industry universities hand over to the Ministry of Education? I heard that agricultural, medical and other institutes subordinate to line ministries will transfer them to the Ministry of Education. Is it right when doctors do not participate in the training of doctors ?! Ramiz Fataliev. Kazan. The transfer to the Ministry of Education of the right to manage all state universities, regardless of their specifics, may begin as early as next year. At the same time, most vocational schools and technical schools will lose their federal status – they will be transferred to the jurisdiction of the regions. Only the most outstanding of them will retain their all-Russian status, but at the same time they will become an integral part of specialized universities. So it was decided last week at a meeting of the government commission on administrative reform. The logic of reorganization: firstly, it is easier to keep track of how budget funds allocated to universities are spent, and secondly, it is easier to plan the training of specialists needed by the country. Universities belonging to the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and 4 other branch departments will change their owners. However, as one of the reform ideologists, the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav KUZMINOV, explained, this will happen smoothly and in stages. The procedure for transferring universities, which now do not have serious financial support from their departments, will be worked out by November 1. But there are universities that their ministries are seriously helping: for example, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport provide students with free practice. The transfer of such universities will be postponed until 2006-2008, so that the costs of their maintenance are included essay my hero in history in the budget. Under this reform, departments will be able to participate in the certification of universities, the approval of programs, the distribution of state orders, and this will help the best educational institutions to receive better funding. Universities and institutes belonging to power ministries will retain their status for now. 3. Will the students be given more money? I heard that material assistance to students will grow fivefold. How to get it? Ivan Turin, Penza. “By the beginning of the academic year, an additional 560 million rubles will be allocated from the state treasury for material assistance to students,” says the deputy. Valentin GOLYSHNIKOV, Head of the Social Protection Department of the Ministry of Education. Each institution will receive its share according to the number of students. How to distribute funds further – the Academic Council and the student trade union committee decide. It is worth hoping for an increase in material assistance to children from large and low-income families, those who came from areas with an unfavorable climate, the disabled, combatants, as well as family students and graduate students. “At Moscow State University, payments to beneficiaries will grow by an average of 25 percent,” says Vladimir MARCHENKO, deputy chairman of the student trade union committee of the country’s main university. – There is no need to write additional applications for material assistance, you only need documents confirming the rights to benefits. The chief editor of the issue is Alexander MIYAKUS. Tel. (095) 257-56-30. Date: 12.08.2004 Title: Bright heads. From school to university Author: R. S Edition: SOVIET SAKHALIN Receive for a unified state exam in "great and mighty" a hundred points out of a hundred possible for the Russian language is an extremely difficult task. And not only for eleventh graders. The authors of the tests (or test materials, as they are also called) from the Ministry of Education, perhaps, even overdid it, since for many school teachers and university professors who decided to complete the exam tasks for the sake of interest, they turned out to be a tough nut to crack. And yet, of the 541,312 graduates of Russian schools this year, who passed the compulsory exam in Russian in the form of the Unified State Exam, 50 children accurately completed all the test tasks, earning the highest score and the highest rating in Russia. Among them is Svetlana Gorbunova, a graduate of Poronaisk secondary school N 1, a silver medalist. But Tatiana Butikova, a pupil of the Noglik gymnasium, a gold medalist, lacked only 0.3 points to become 51st in this list. Today, the overall literacy rate of schoolchildren is very low. Many are reluctant to learn, read little, and speak primitive slang. Meanwhile, all this predetermines the consciousness, thinking, and actions of young people. Teaching Russian at school also leaves much to be desired, as highlighted by the unified state exam. Its results provide educational authorities with interesting material for subject analysis and adjustments to their work. This will be discussed on August 19 at the collegium of the regional department of education. In the meantime, I wanted to find out what explains such a high result of the final certification of two Sakhalin schoolgirls: the merit of their teachers or their natural talent and hard work? (The factor of luck in the unified state examination is excluded). As the director of Poronaisk secondary school No. 1 S. Kim explained, the brilliant final certification of the graduate S. Gorbunova was expected. Svetlana is passionate about humanitarian disciplines, reads a lot, writes poetry, has a fine sense of the word. Probably, this is from her mother, the teacher of the Russian language and literature, from the school teacher S. Perova, as well as from the breadth of her own interests. The girl studies philosophy, ethnoculture, is engaged in music, dancing. And he connects his fate and professional growth with jurisprudence, since he dreams of becoming a good lawyer. (She puts the semantic stress on the word "good"). Svetlana was admitted to the legal department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. The girl did not have to pass the entrance exam in the Russian language – she was credited with the very 100 points for the Unified State Exam, but the exam in social studies was a complete surprise, since the Unified State Exam at school was conducted in social studies. (The first of the above disciplines covers a wider range of issues). Svetlana also passed this exam for "fine" to the great delight of their teachers and parents. Gold medalist Tatyana Butikova, a graduate of the Noglik gymnasium, who did not achieve 100 points in the Russian language by only 0.3 points, also became a student at one of the Khabarovsk universities. Her subject teacher T. Ivanchikhina is just happy that this issue included such "asterisks"like Tatiana, deservedly recognized in the village of Nogliki "Gymnasium student of the year 2004", gold medalists Lyudmila Kolesnikova, Evgenia Dbpyth and others. Tatyana Viktorovna, a teacher with more than twenty years of experience, believes that she probably will no longer have such purposeful and talented children. And then she notices that her colleagues in the gymnasium, in comparison with the teachers of ordinary schools, work, one might say, in greenhouse conditions, since the best children go to an educational institution of a higher type. It is a pleasure to give them knowledge, they are curious, receptive to new things, versatile in their hobbies, emotionally responsive. The teacher of world art culture R. Sergeeva together with them learned romances after school, arranged poetry evenings, concerts of author’s songs. The synthesis of high poetry, music, painting, the joy of co-creation gave their results – the guys absorbed all the best and do not intend to lose this height. Most of them will continue their education in higher education and, presumably, will take place on a personal level. We wish our schools had more such students and teachers. L. STEPANETS. Photo by G. RUMYANTSEV. R.S. A. Kalinenko, a gold medalist from the village of Pervomaisk, Smirnykhovsky district, A. Kalinenko, helped him become a student of the Sakhalin branch of the Far Eastern State Academy of Economics and Management. A rural guy will master a specialty "municipal and state administration"… Date: 12.08.2004 Title: The road to life – through PU-17 Author: NINA SEMYINA. P. PLESETSK. Edition: TRUTH NORTH It is a delusion to consider summer a carefree time, especially for those who graduated from school in June.