Technoparks will appear within the framework of the national project “Education

Technoparks will appear within the framework of the national project “Education

“In late October – early November this year, we plan to launch the Quantorium mobile children’s technopark: a car is being prepared on the KAMAZ platform, equipment has been purchased, and teachers are being trained. Almost 16 million rubles of federal funds were attracted. By order of the head of the republic Sergey Gaplikov, the regional budget will provide funds for the maintenance of the car – about 9 million rubles a year. For 2020-2021, we have also passed the federal competitive selection and will launch another stationary and mobile Quantorium in Ukhta, so that the northern territories of the republic are also covered, ”Yakimova said. 

The first “Quantorium” in the republic was created in Syktyvkar in 2017. As part of the national project, it was decided to create mobile technology parks in order to develop additional education in rural schools.

“Every year the mobile Quantorium will cover more than 1.5 thousand children. Directions – technical creativity, robotics, design, virtual reality. It is very important for us that children are interested. Technical creativity, which then develops into engineering hobbies, is not an easy process, and the equipment is complicated, and the teacher must be good, but this is the future, and there are not enough engineering specialties in the republic and the country. We hope this will help children in choosing their future profession, ”added Yakimova. 

Children’s Technoparks “Quantorium” are playgrounds where children can master promising engineering areas, including modern laser technologies, neurotechnologies, unmanned aircraft, programming, 3D modeling and others.

Technoparks are designed to train young personnel in a number of relevant areas – from robotics and the design of small Earth satellites to the study of laser technologies and the modeling of unmanned objects.

A Regional Model Center for Continuing Education has been created in North Ossetia, the Ministry of Education and Science of the republic reports.

The center was organized as part of the implementation of the federal project “Success of every child” of the national project “Education” and will start operating in October 2019.

“The regional model center will allow creating an effective system of interaction in the field of additional education for children. He will provide organizational and methodological support for the entire system of additional education in the republic. One of the tasks of the center is to introduce a system of personified financing of additional education for children, ”said the Minister of Education and Science of North Ossetia Lyudmila Basharina.

The main functions of the center are to disseminate the best practices of demanded additional general education programs for children of various orientations, to ensure the development of professional skills and the level of competence of teachers, to support gifted children. He will also provide methodological, informational and organizational assistance to organizations implementing additional general education programs.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

The project curator is Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The project manager is Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

The Smolensk region will allocate almost 150 million rubles for the creation of one stationary and three mobile technology parks “Quantorium” in 2020-2021, TASS reports with reference to the press service of the regional government. 

Technoparks will appear within the framework of the national project “Education”.

“The budget for the creation of a stationary children’s technopark“ Quantorium ”and three mobile technoparks will amount to: about 120 million rubles from the federal budget, 3.7 million rubles from the regional budget, more than 26 million rubles from extra-budgetary funds. In the Smolensk region, the first mobile children’s technopark “Quantorium” will appear in 2020. In 2021, a stationary Quantorium will be created in Smolensk and two more mobile children’s technoparks, ”the message says.

Children’s Technoparks “Quantorium” are playgrounds where children can master promising engineering areas, including modern laser technologies, neurotechnologies, unmanned aircraft, programming, 3D modeling and others.

Technoparks are designed to train young personnel in a number of relevant areas – from robotics and the design of small Earth satellites to the study of laser technologies and the modeling of unmanned objects.

In the Komi Republic, new training workshops will appear in 15 correctional schools until 2022, TASS reports with reference to the Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region, Natalia Yakimova.

The workshops will be created within the framework of the “Modern School” federal project of the “Education” national project. 

This year the material and technical base has been updated in six educational institutions.

“These are our special correctional schools, there are 20 of them in the republic, all state ones. In September, we will open renovated workshops in six schools in Syktyvkar, Vorkuta and Pechora, in the next two years it is planned to update the material and technical base in another nine special correctional schools, ”Yakimova said. 

She clarified that each educational institution has its own specifics and accumulated experience. Thus, schools decide what equipment they need to purchase, taking into account federal guidelines.

“You have to understand that these are children with special educational needs, they have a specialized subject – technology, labor training, in the curriculum of such schools up to 10 hours a week are spent exclusively on this subject, they train seamstresses, joiners, cooks,” added Yakimova. 

It is clarified that it is also planned to purchase equipment for the offices of a teacher-psychologist, teacher-defectologist, speech therapist, diagnostic complexes, correctional and developmental and didactic means, equipment for additional education of children with disabilities. In total, 27 million rubles were allocated for these purposes in 2019, of which 25 million are from the federal budget.

The Education National Project was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018. It is designed to ensure the global competitiveness of Russian education, as well as the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in terms of the quality of general education. The project budget is 784.5 billion rubles. The implementation of the Education National Project will cover the period from 2019 to 2024.

The project curator is Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The project manager is Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

Samara Technopark “Quantorium 63” entered the top five children’s technoparks, the press service of the Samara region reports.

In total, the rating considered the indicators of 56 sites of the federal network “Quantorium”.

When compiling the rating, the number of events held by the organization, victories in regional, federal and international competitions, the level of methodological and organizational assistance to other educational organizations in the region were taken into account.

The head of the Department of Integrated Security and Digitalization of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region, Konstantin Llyolin, said that this year 19 children’s mini-technoparks in rural schools were created in the Samara region as part of the Education national project at the expense of the regional treasury.

“We intend to continue the work on the creation of school mini-technoparks under the national project. It is planned that in 2020 they will be opened in 20 educational institutions of the Samara region. And of course, we will provide teachers with the opportunity not in words, but in deeds to get acquainted with modern equipment, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, to discuss new methods of teaching children with practicing IT specialists, ”said Llyolin.

At present, 1000 pupils study at the Samara site of the Quantorium 63 children’s technopark in 5 directions: IT oliver cromwell hero or villain year 8 essay Quantum, Roboquantum, Aerokvantum, Cosmoquantum, VR / AR Quantum.

Children’s Technoparks “Quantorium” are playgrounds where children can master promising engineering areas, including modern laser technologies, neurotechnologies, unmanned aircraft, programming, 3D modeling and others.