Lloyd Vogel is an investigative journalist who receives an assignment to profile Fred Rogers, aka Mr. Rogers. He approaches the interview with skepticism, as he finds it hard to believe that anyone can have such a good nature. But Roger's empathy, kindness and decency soon chips away at Vogel's jaded outlook on life, forcing the reporter to reconcile with his own painful past
8 / 10 star
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actor Tom Hanks
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I was told I would probably still like this movie even though I was not “into” Mr. Rogers’ show. NOPE. This movie was fairly well-crafted, had some interesting elements, but overall was boring, depressing and emotionally manipulative. Tom Hanks made Mr. Rogers seem like a pill. Lloyd Vogel seems like a really poor journalist; not really sure how he would have had a job at Esquire. I think the story itself, about how Mr. Rogers cares deeply about people and went out of his way to care for a journalist, is compelling. But this movie was tone-deaf. Overall, those who LOVED Mr. Rogers as a kid will probably love this movie. Everyone else will continue to wonder what the fuss is.
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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Watch
A beautiful day in the neighborhood watch movie 2018.
If you ever have any doubts about yourself, watch this movie, and know that he would have treated you in a special, unique way. This was a wonderful biopic about an incredible person. Do not miss it, worth the watch in theaters.
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You could go to church for the next 10 years or just go see this movie! You’ll learn the same things! Saw it 3 times, but actually want to see it again! Hollywood finally put out an excellent, excellent movie.
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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood touches me through the innocence and wonderment of my own little one. I watch again through his eyes. And, like many people, I am moved by the earnestness and Christ-like goodness of a mature soul like Fred Rogers. He sees a higher self in a character that we, in the audience, dismiss is an incurable jerk.
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