This is around 17 percent of a total of 915 schools
But you have to be careful that you don’t wake up with a different model in the end: namely with green-red-red, “said the CSU chief. And what this would mean for the country,” anyone can imagine “.
With a view to the Greens, the SPD and the Left Party, Kuban warned: “If you have a single vote in parliament on September 26th, then you will take action and make your dream of left-wing Disneyland come true.” He added: “Sorry, but Red-Red-Green is so badly positioned that even Schalke 04 would be ashamed to send such an eleven onto the field.”
He accused the Greens of a “disturbed relationship to the rule of law and to science” and urged them: “Finally stop your do-gooder’s moral club.” Kuban also warned that, despite current polls, the Union should not feel like it was in a false sense of security, even if it is currently well ahead of the Greens and Social Democrats.
Kramp-Karrenbauer, Söder and Kuban are now finally relying on clarity for January as to who will be the new CDU chairman. “We will decide at the meeting of the federal executive committee on the 14th that we will hold the party congress in January,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer. “And I think the last few weeks have shown that it is right and that it is necessary.” Ex-Union parliamentary leader Friedrich Merz, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet and foreign politician Norbert Röttgen are running for her successor.
In a member survey, the CDU youngsters at the JU had pleaded with a large majority for Merz as the new CDU boss – with a 20 percent turnout. Söder said: “I would only have been interested in what the other 80 percent would have chosen.”
Söder again turned against the election of the common candidate for chancellor “too early”. “That must be decided together.” He mentioned a time horizon of three to four months, “let’s say until March”. “We mustn’t make a wrong early start.”
In addition to Kuban, the entire federal board of the JU was elected on Sunday. 9 of the 22 posts were held by women. Among other things, Heike Wermer, member of the NRW state parliament, was re-elected as one of the four deputy federal chairmen. The JU had already announced in advance that in the future more women than before should come to the train. The proportion of women on the executive board rose to around 41 percent – Kuban called this a “smart and good sign”.
At the digital annual meeting of the JU, the main proposal under the motto “Future mode on – learning and working in the digital age” was approved by the delegates with a large majority. The JU wants to accelerate the development of home office and homeschooling. The application also provides for a standardized digital school platform for all of Germany.
Because of Corona, many students in Brandenburg have to be quarantined. The Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that more than 10,000 of the total of 292 659 children and adolescents are in isolation. According to the State Secretary for Health Michael Ranft, the proportion is 3.7 percent.
437 school children (0.1 percent) tested positive for the corona virus. According to the information, 3.2 percent of the teachers are currently in quarantine. 155 schools in the country are partially closed, which means that at least one learning group is in quarantine. This is around 17 percent of a total of 915 schools.
According to the ministry, 1.8 percent of the carers and 1.3 percent of the children are in quarantine in the daycare center. Of 2000 facilities nationwide, 13 are completely closed, 22 are in partial closure.
Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) regretted his campaign advertising for the SPD mayoral candidate Nico Ruhle, who was successful on Sunday, in Neuruppin and described it as a mistake. “Very clearly: That shouldn’t have happened,” he told the “Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten” (PNN). “Ashes on my head.” The criticism is justified. “I myself have always been of the opinion that a strict distinction must be made between government and party office,” said Woidke. “I am all the more annoyed about this mistake, which I regret.”
thesis statement for scout in to kill a mockingbird
Woidke had shown himself in the mayoral election campaign in Neuruppin shortly before the runoff election on Sunday in a campaign with the SPD candidate Nico Ruhle. Criticism came from both the opposition and the coalition partners Greens and CDU.
The coalition agreement between the SPD, CDU and the Greens states that the government will consistently differentiate between official actions and election advertising. The SPD parliamentary group chairman Erik Stohn said on Tuesday that the campaign had been created in the “hectic of the final spurt” in the election campaign.
Hesse’s finance minister Michael Boddenberg (CDU) has clearly spoken out against greater participation by the federal states in state corona aid. “The federal government must not solve its spending policy at the expense of the states,” said Boddenberg on Wednesday of the German press agency in Wiesbaden. A further participation in the federal costs would further restrict Hesse’s room for maneuver.
“As much as the state of Hessen is grateful for the aid and support measures provided by the federal government, it must also be taken into account that the state, with its annual budget of around 30 billion euros, has neither the means nor the means to implement federal programs to maintain the economy with volumes of over to finance one hundred billion euros, “emphasized the finance minister.
To deal with the direct and indirect consequences of the corona pandemic, Hesse has set up a special fund totaling 12 billion euros for the years 2020 to 2023 and is thus already approaching the limits of its financial capabilities, the CDU politician said.
The state has also repeatedly provided cofinancing for federal measures. As examples, Boddenberg cited the half compensation of the trade tax losses to the municipalities with 661 million euros as well as the emergency aid program for small and medium-sized companies with 250 million euros and the bonus payment for care workers with 40 million euros.
The co-financing is not limited to the direct co-financing of federal programs, reported the minister. The federal tax measures to mitigate the consequences of the coronavirus led the state in 2021 and 2022 to tax shortfalls in income tax of probably more than 250 million euros, and for its municipalities to additional shortfalls in income of more than 400 million euros.
The Hessian Finance Minister reacted to statements by Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus. In the Bundestag he had criticized the division of the corona costs between the federal government and the federal states: The federal states should “finally get involved financially in this matter and not always only pass resolutions and then present the bill to the federal government”.
In the debate about the state government’s order for masks and gowns at the van Laack fashion company, Johannes “Joe” Laschet spoke up: “Of course I have not received a cent, advantage or commission,” wrote the son of NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) in the social network Instagram.
When looking for masks and producers at the beginning of the Corona crisis, he passed on the contact of an “owner with whom I have been working for a long time,” wrote Joe Laschet – without mentioning the name of van Laack.
“The purpose of the whole thing was that hospitals, doctors and nurses could get missing protective clothing,” says the fashion influencer, who has almost 92,000 subscribers on Instagram: “It was not about personal benefits, but about effective help. “
Van Laack owner Christian von Daniels had announced in the “Rheinische Post” at the weekend that his advertising partner “Joe” Laschet had established contact with the Prime Minister. In the spring, the company from Mönchengladbach received an order from the state for 38.5 million euros. The NRW police later ordered two 1.25 million masks for a total of four million euros.
“” said Daniels that influencer Laschet earned 6,358 euros at Van Laack in the past financial year. In the previous year it was 4817.98 euros. The clothes that Laschet shows on Instagram are on loan.
In line with the continuing critical situation throughout Bavaria, the weekly government survey on the corona crisis is due for the first time in the state parliament today. Right at the beginning of the meeting (1:00 p.m.), the members of the state government can ask questions about the Corona issue. Each parliamentary group should be able to put up to two questions and inquiries to previously selected departments, taking into account their speaking time.
A survey of the ministries of culture, science, economy and health is planned. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is not present – he is attending the Prime Minister’s Conference in Berlin at the same time.
Recently, there had been repeated criticism from various parties that parliaments had too little say in anti-corona policy. As a result, the council of elders decided the new question and answer session last week as a weekly exchange opportunity.
The current Infection Protection Ordinance of the state government stipulates that the partial lockdown that began in November will continue to apply in Bavaria at least until December 20th. Even after the time limit, there is still no end to the crisis in sight due to the constantly increasing number of infections. The strict requirements for contact restrictions should only be relaxed slightly over the Christmas period up to New Year’s Eve. In mid-December, the government wants to present its further roadmap for corona policy.
Another topic of the plenary session is an amendment to the building law. The state government hopes that the implementation of its draft law will simplify building regulations and thereby accelerate procedures.
In the process of a possible attack plan on the pre-Christmas ice rink in Karlsruhe, a verdict is expected today after almost two years of negotiations before the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (9:30 a.m.). The case caused a stir in the winter of 2017: One year after the attack on the Berlin Christmas market with a total of twelve deaths, the 29-year-old defendant is said to have considered driving a truck to the stands around the Karlsruhe ice rink and as many people as possible kill. According to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, he is a member of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS).
The Federal Prosecutor’s office had charged the Freiburg-born German of Kurdish origin with supporting IS and preparing a serious act of violence that was dangerous to the state. She is demanding a total of eight years and three months in prison.
In the opinion of the defense there is no evidence for the allegations, they plead for acquittal on these points. Even the Senate does not seem certain of the indictment and deleted the two main allegations against the man – attack planning and IS membership – from the arrest warrant more than a year ago. That was at least a first indication that there was no more urgent suspicion for the Senate, said an OLG spokesman.
The defendant has been in custody for almost three years. He was previously detained in Iraq for two months.
If the corona infection numbers drop significantly, easing in NRW should come first in sports and culture, according to Prime Minister Armin Laschet. That said the CDU politician on Wednesday in the “morning magazine” of WDR2. When asked why outdoor sports were forbidden in the fitness studios, which a provider in Frechen is still offering, Laschet announced: “I’m still looking at the outdoor question this afternoon.” In 75 percent of the cases of infection, it is not clear how the infection came about. Therefore, swimming pools or fitness studios are also closed.
At the beginning of January one will look again closely at the infection numbers and then check whether loosening is possible. Politicians want to take back interference in the personal lives of citizens, but there are still too many infections.
The chairman of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK), Georg Maier (SPD), criticizes that some supporters of the so-called lateral thinking movement take children to events. “It is part of the parental duty of care not to expose children to such a dangerous situation,” Thuringia’s interior minister told the newspapers of the Funke media group. This applies “if only for reasons of infection protection, but also because you know that disputes can arise at these events”.
The initiative “lateral thinking” doubts the Corona measures and speaks of a restriction of basic rights. She has been calling for demonstrations for weeks. At the beginning of November, the police used water cannons and batons at a demonstration by Corona “lateral thinkers” and counter-protests in Frankfurt.
Maier also called on the “lateral thinkers” to “consistently” distance themselves from anti-democratic participants and their ideas at events. “It is not enough at the beginning of a meeting to call for them to leave the event. You have to implement that,” he warned. “Anti-constitutional symbols must not be tolerated.”
The preparations for the corona vaccinations are also in full swing in Rhineland-Palatinate. In order to test the structure, organization and processes in a vaccination center, the federal state has set up a trial vaccination center in Mainz. Prime Minister Malu Dreyer and Health Minister Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler (both SPD) visit the facility this Wednesday (12.30 p.m.).
The European Medicines Agency Ema wants to decide in December on an approval recommendation for the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer. A result of the examination should be available by December 29th at the latest. The US company Moderna has also submitted a corresponding application for its vaccine to Ema. The decision on the approval recommendation is expected by January 12, according to Ema.
The Mayor of Mainz and chairman of the Rhineland-Palatinate City Council, Michael Ebling (SPD), sees two bottlenecks at the beginning of the corona vaccinations: on the one hand with the vaccine, on the other hand with the doctors. Doctors are needed in the planned 36 vaccination centers in the country – especially for education, but also for medical safety, said Ebling of the German Press Agency in Mainz.