[Music] hey welcome to the chill spot I’m Corinne and I’m lissandra and today we’re going to be talking to you about the essay it is a great way to come to see na fest you know with all these sponsorships that we’ve been having we are able to send more CNAs to see na –this but the only problem is if you guys do not go to naka see na org and you scroll down until you find DNA fest and then you’ll hit on the scholarship essay we’re not going to be able to send you to see na fest and that’s gonna be a shame yeah it is a great way to go Drake and I both were actually winners of this so again you want to go to naka cna org you’re going to scroll down until you see see na fest and then right over to the scholarship essay question yeah and by 2026 7.8 million direct caregivers will be required to meet the needs of an Asian America please tell us in what ways can we retain and recruit quality CNAs I think that’s a good question it does need to be 300 to 500 words and the due date is due by June the 24th so you still have plenty enough time to grab that piece of paper grab an envelope grab a marker crayon whatever you choose to write with and it’s simple it’s easy its pain-free and it’s a great way to get to see na fest the other deadlines that we need to talk about is actually will be coming up it’s Monday July the 29th and it is the key to the quality Awards and they must be received by July the 24th so please don’t miss out the opportunity to come to see na fest write your essay and don’t miss out on a great opportunity to recognize yourself are one of your coworkers you were a winner in Washington DCS yeah so that that was a honor for us to write that nomination for you and I’m glad that you you were chosen so who knows you may have another one floating around this year she was kind of stressed out last year because most facilities do tell their CNAs that they won and it it’s a good thing but it’s also kind of a bad thing because you’re sitting there at the table you just get done eating dinner and your eyes aidid level is way up there but it’s it’s a neat feeling to hear your name being called and you’re not prepared for snow so it really makes you get emotional and everything I know you had those flowers and you were gonna throw those flowers out at us because we kept it from you yes but please work hard on both of these things this is it’s a good thing and I hope everyone had a great cna week until you come back and join us again on the chill spot remember you matter [Music]