He is an example of how quickly infections can spread.

He is an example of how quickly infections can spread.

The CSU is shaking the foundations of democracy. This is where the author comes in The new “Registration Act” regulates at best that the citizen no longer has anything to report. It disregards human dignity.

Because the data are part of the dignity, the inviolability of which the Basic Law guarantees. It is shameful that a football game is more important than human dignity. By Manfred Bleskin Bundestag President Lammert does not consider a referendum to be mandatory if national competences continue to shift to EU level. “I don’t see that there is a question that is ready to be decided and that could be made the subject of a referendum.” There are also other procedures than a referendum.

Here comes the author Chancellor Angela Merkel can only look forward to the broad support for her euro rescue package in the Bundestag. Now the judges have the floor. You have to answer the question of whether the EU fiscal pact for more budget discipline and the contract for the permanent euro rescue package (ESM) violate the Basic Law. This is where the author comes in. The government has drawn Red-Green on its side in the Bundestag and in the federal states in the fiscal pact. The Left Party remains tough.

She sees herself as the guardian of the Basic Law and the rights of parliament – soon also in Karlsruhe. This is where the author comes in. The Germans may soon have to vote on a new Basic Law. At least if Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has his way.

The CDU politician wants to move a number of competencies of the EU member states to Brussels. In addition to a direct election of the EU president, he is also relying on a European finance minister. This is where the author goes “News and information at a glance.

Collection of articles from n-tv.de on the subject of the Basic Law Nobody should be disadvantaged because of their race, it says in the Basic Law. The concern is honest, the formulation problematic: the concept of human races is long out of date. The Greens are calling for a change and they are not alone in this. Are the restrictions going too far in the corona crisis?

No, thinks Parliament President Schäuble. However, he understands that the encroachments on fundamental rights concern people and sees the protests against it as a good sign. However: “Nobody is safe from applause from the wrong side.” Bad weather seems to have deterred many people from demonstrating against the Corona rules this Saturday – fewer demonstrators than expected in most cities. However, one person will definitely be there again: Attila Hildmann.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a far-left candidate becomes a constitutional judge and is a member of an association monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.cheap biology essay writing service Because the state CDU made this election possible, the federal chairwoman Kramp-Karrenbauer is now demanding answers. By Sebastian Huld The judges in Karlsruhe order stricter controls and minimum standards for the surveillance of foreigners abroad. The FDP secret service expert Stephan Thomae explains in an interview with ntv.de why the BND should also be happy about the judgment. More and more people are taking to the streets to protest against the corona restrictions.

But the demonstrations are increasingly joining completely different groups – and hijacking them. The authorities are now concerned about that too. By Jürgen Wutschke Are conspiracy theorists a threat to democracy? Not currently, said ex-constitutional judge Di Fabio. It becomes dubious if their number becomes too large.

However, contrary to what was claimed, the corona restrictions are not a threat to the state. The purchase of government bonds from the euro countries is intended to stimulate the economy. That is part of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank.

However, the program partially violates the Basic Law, the Federal Constitutional Court has now ruled and several complaints are upheld. Bundestag President Schäuble believes that not everything else should be subordinate to the protection of life. With that he starts a debate about the Basic Law.

Greens boss Habeck and FDP boss Lindner take the side of the CDU politician. “Will there be a World Ski Championships in Germany in 2025? If the ski paradise Garmisch-Partenkirchen is right. The Bavarian town has gone Further applicants for the title fights in six years are, according to a message from the Ski World Association FIS, Crans-Montana in Switzerland and Saalbach in Austria. Garmisch-Partenkirchen hosted in 1978 and 2011. Source: ntv.de “There were large-scale events at the weekend Tests carried out in the affected region (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) “This carelessness must also have consequences.” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Söder is anything but impressed by the infection process in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district.

A 26-year-old is said to have contributed significantly to the new cases. Even the public prosecutor’s office is involved in the case. The case of a woman who is allegedly responsible for numerous corona infections in Garmisch-Partenkirchen as a so-called super spreader is “a model case of irrationality” for Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder. He is an example of how quickly infections can spread. “This carelessness must also have consequences.” It therefore makes sense to act with correspondingly “high fines”. In Bavaria, a fine of 2,000 euros can be imposed for violations of quarantine requirements. The responsible public prosecutor’s office in Munich II has now initiated investigations into negligent bodily harm.

The 26-year-old woman is said to have visited several restaurants in Garmisch-Partenkirchen last Tuesday, despite corona symptoms and a quarantine order. The highly contagious American is said to have infected numerous other people. She is said to have worked in a hotel for members of the US armed forces and their families.

This has been closed for two weeks since Monday. According to the hotel, several employees tested positive for the corona virus. According to the district office, the 26-year-old had returned from a vacation in Greece. It was unclear whether she was infected during the trip or only afterwards. In an epidemic, a superspreader is someone who infects an unusually high number of other people.

A spokeswoman for the prosecutor said the exact facts should now be determined. The suspect is one of the civilian personnel of the US armed forces in Germany. According to the NATO troop statute, however, the German authorities are likely to investigate them.

The prosecution also assumes that German law applies. The penalty for negligent bodily harm ranges from a fine to three years in prison. According to the authorities, there have been 49 new corona cases in the past seven days. The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population was 55.39 and thus above the critical value of 50.

At this value, measures must be implemented by agreement between the federal and state governments. On Friday, the district office had already imposed restrictions on public life for the market town, which has around 26,000 residents. All restaurants must close at 10 p.m. Only a maximum of five people are allowed to meet in public space – this also applies to all restaurants. “We are trying to curb the nightlife, but not to block the normal gastronomy,” said a spokesman. For private events, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50 people in closed rooms or 100 people in the open air.

Within Bavaria, the number of infections in Würzburg and Kaufbeuren is also above the critical value of 50. In Kaufbeuren, this is related to an outbreak in an old people’s and nursing home, where, according to Söder, a resident suffering from Covid-19 died. The CSU boss warned again against recklessness and unreason. The corona numbers exploded around Germany. Anyone who believes that Germany is an island of the blissful is naive. Source: ntv.de, fzö / AFP / dpa “” (Photo: dpa) Yesterday the downhill, today the giant slalom: Also the men’s World Cup planned for Sunday in Garmisch -Partenkirchen has been canceled.

This is announced by the organizer. Source: ntv.de “Garmisch-Partenkrichen can breathe a sigh of relief: Only three of around 740 people tested are also infected. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) The so-called super spreader from Garmisch-Partenkirchen puts the health of many on a pub crawl People at risk. Your positive corona test does not stop them from celebrating. But apparently most of the contact persons are lucky. The mass tests after a 26-year-old woman with the corona virus through Garmisch-Partenkirchen after a pub crawl let you breathe easy: Only three of around 740 people tested are also infected. “We have everything under control,” promised District Administrator Anton Speer of the Free Voters when the first results were announced. Nevertheless, “extreme caution” must be exercised. Bars and restaurants must continue after an order from the District Office close at 10 p.m.

Participation restrictions apply to private events. In the “Edelweiss Lodge” of the US armed forces for soldiers and their families, where the woman is employed, 25 people have been infected with the virus, according to new information. The hotel is closed for two weeks. There is also a connection to the woman with the three other infected people: an employee of a bar that the 26-year-old was visiting, as well as two guests from another pub who were there at the same time as the woman, who was American Dragged through bars a week ago despite symptoms of illness and quarantine. The day after she received the positive test result.

The possible super spreader (German: Superverbeiterin) threatens not only a fine for violating quarantine, but also a procedure for negligent bodily harm. Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann called their behavior “particularly ruthless”. Prime Minister Markus Söder spoke of a “model case for unreasonableness”. A total of around 1,000 people had themselves tested.

He hoped there weren’t any more cases, Speer said. The woman was out in the nightlife several times in the previous week, but without quarantine. Meanwhile, the hotel industry is worried, which after the lockdown in the market town at the foot of the Zugspitze again recorded very good sales.

There are rebookings and cancellations. Hotels with “Edelweiss” in their name are particularly affected. At Max Härtl from the “Hotel Almenrausch und Edelweiss” the phone never stands still.

A woman who had booked broke into tears – “because she thought that an infected person worked for us”. The problem is the identity of the names. “We’ll get it off now,” said Härtl. “We hope that turns next week.” The district office is still in the process of tracking chains of infection. One problem is that many have given wrong names and phone numbers in the guest lists, said Speer. Above all, he called on young people who were also out and about in the nightlife to take part in a test, and the US armed forces are also busy reappraising. “We are currently collecting the facts related to this incident,” said a spokesman.

It is being investigated how the infections could have come about. As soon as the infections became known, doctors from the US Army were flown in. The infected would be looked after, but nobody was treated in the hospital. The woman is a civil employee of the US armed forces, lives on their premises and is there in quarantine.

According to the spokesman, Bavarian requirements and German law apply to them. According to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), the number of new corona cases in the district within the past seven days rose to 51. The seven-day incidence per 100.

000 inhabitants climbed to 57.6 – and is thus well above the critical value of 50. The district office had already imposed restrictions on the place on Friday. Restaurants must close at 10 p.m., a maximum of five people can meet in public spaces. A maximum of 50 people are allowed to take part in private events indoors or 100 people outside. Source: ntv.de, Sabine Dobel, dpa “” “The World Ski Championships will take place in Saalbach-Hinterglemm in 2025. Garmisch-Partenkirchen is the highlight of the alpine season In four and a half years it came out empty-handed, as the FIS World Federation announced.

Source: ntv.de “Ulli Maier tore his skis at more than 100 kilometers an hour. (Photo: picture-alliance / dpa) 25 years ago, ski racer Ulrike Maier had an accident on the Kandahar slope in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. So bad that she got her injuries succumbs, the Austrian is only 26 years old. Her then unbelievable death had a lasting impact on the sport. The news that nobody wanted to hear only came in the early evening because the family had to say goodbye first Murnau then with him around a quarter past six, is dead. She had died hours earlier.

And what had covered Garmisch-Partenkirchen like a gray veil for a few hours was suddenly a sad, terrible certainty: A 26-year-old mother, two-time World Champion in Super-G – torn from life last season, in which she had wanted to prove it to herself and everyone again. Broken neck. After a fall that no one thought possible.

It was triggered by new, strongly tailored skis, which were considered the latest craze by racers, but whose deadly danger was only revealed on January 29, 1994. For Maier, any help came too late. (Photo: picture-alliance / dpa ) When Ulrike Maier, who everyone just called Ulli, took to the track with starting number 32 that Saturday at 1.58 p.m., the best had already crossed the finish line. The Austrian was not part of the downhill elite, she had her strengths in giant slalom and super-G, in which she became world champion in Vail in 1989: at that time she was three months pregnant.

When she won World Cup gold again in 1991, daughter Melanie was waiting on her father’s arm at the finish. The accident happened in the traverse in front of the target slope. At 105 km / h, Maier cut his right ski, fell against all known scenarios uphill, hit a snow wedge covered with a bale of straw, which was supposed to secure the sawn-off post for the timing system. The force of the impact and the rotation of the body severed the cervical spine and spinal cord.

Anyone who saw the fall in slow motion suspected: This day would not end well. The day after the accident, Maier’s partner Hubert Schweighofer stood at the scene of the accident and swore in the media: “The gentlemen will pay for it.