It would have been the Oktoberfest year for Armin Jumel.
Oktoberfest started. Period. “On Friday, Munich exceeded the warning value of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. The city fears that many might meet for beer-loving substitute parties and has also issued an alcohol ban for other well-known party hotspots. The so-called” WirtshausWiesn “is supposed to take place in more than 50 restaurants in Munich. Partly with tapping, live music and traditional costume. Source:, jug / dpa” The largest festival in the world will not take place this year: The Bavarian state government says the Oktoberfest is in From Munich.
The reason given by Prime Minister Söder is the difficult to comply with hygiene regulations that would be necessary due to the spread of the corona virus. The Bavarian state government and the city of Munich have agreed that Oktoberfest 2020 will not take place. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder said in Munich that he had come to an agreement with Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter that the risk of holding the Oktoberfest this year “is simply too great”. Because of the high risk of infection, great sensitivity is required, especially at large celebrations.
Söder said it was too difficult to adhere to the hygiene regulations during the festival. Reiter said it was an emotionally difficult moment and it was also a difficult moment for the city economically. The Oktoberfest 2020 should take place from September 19 to October 4. Around six million visitors from all over the world were expected. But in Corona times, the risk of infection at the folk festival with beer tents filled to the last seat and the crowd in the alleys would be too great. At least since the federal and state governments had decided to ban major events until the end of August, it was clear that it was for The world’s largest festival barely three weeks later, there was hardly a chance. At the end of March, people wanted to decide as late as possible – at the end of May or at the latest at the beginning of June.
Then the permits for landlords, showmen and market merchants would have to be granted by the city. Construction began on Theresienwiese at the beginning of July, and the cancellation is a severe blow for the economy. Not only showmen, innkeepers and stallholders at the fair itself, but also hotels, restaurants, taxi drivers and retailers benefit from the fair. According to the city, the Oktoberfest 2019 had an economic value of around 1.23 billion euros. Already in the 19th
In the 19th century, the Oktoberfest was canceled due to an epidemic: Due to cholera, the festival was canceled in 1854 and 1873. Even during wartime there were often no Oktoberfests: During the world wars, the Volksfest was canceled, as was the phase of hyperinflation in 1923. Source:, mba / dpa “News and information at a glance. Collection of articles from on Oktoberfestdpa Topic The Oktoberfest opened in Munich with a rush of more than 600,000 visitors.
The biggest sensation of this year’s Oktoberfest: increased beer prices. At the Oktoberfest and Cannstatter Wasen the following tip is making the rounds again: “Wine on beer, I advise you. But beer on wine, let it go.” The advice is well meant. But sheer nonsense. The Oktoberfest opened in Munich with a rush of more than 600,000 visitors.
The biggest sensation of this year’s Oktoberfest: stable beer prices. The explosives found in neo-Nazis were supposed to explode when the foundation stone was laid for the new Munich main synagogue on November 9th. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office confirmed this suspicion on Friday.
On this day, the foundation stone for the main synagogue is to be laid there in a ceremony, to which Federal President Rau is expected. There are indications that several attack targets were kill a mockingbird introduction essay On the other hand, there is no evidence of a possible attack on the Munich Oktoberfest.
The Munich Oktoberfest closed its doors on Sunday evening. 5.9 million people from all over the world found their way to the Wies’n this year. A real achievement: even at the Oktoberfest, he does without alcohol. He’s happy to tell us how he can take it and much more. Over the weekend, around 900,000 party and drink enthusiasts attended the Oktoberfest in Munich.
That is two thirds more than in the previous year, despite the federal election. The 169th Oktoberfest has started. Munich political celebrities and millions of visitors from all over the world cavort once again at the Oktoberfest.
For many, it’s the most beautiful days of the year – they come from all over the world: Munich’s Oktoberfest, safer than ever! “Now it’s official: Munich’s Oktoberfest will not take place this year due to the Corona crisis. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder announced that he had reached an agreement with Munich’s Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter that the risk of holding the Oktoberfest this year “is simply too great.” Especially at large celebrations, great sensitivity is needed because of the high risk of infection. Source: ntv .de “Jogging, cycling and walking instead of partying and the marquee: Theresienwiese in September 2020. (Photo: imago images / Overstreet) On the Theresienwiese, beer usually flows en masse at this time of the year. Because of the corona virus, however, there is a ban on alcohol.
The people of Munich do not want to do without their beloved folk festival entirely: Many Oktoberfest hosts invite you into the living room – even if the number of infections increases. Günter Werner has brought his hat to the hat maker – so that he festively drapes pheasant feathers and fresh hops on it. Like every year for the start of the Oktoberfest. In his own words, the 77-year-old from Pullach near Munich has not missed a day at the Oktoberfest for 60 years.
This year everything is different. “His” table 180 in the Schottenhamel tent does not exist. After the Oktoberfest was canceled due to the coronavirus, Werner will celebrate in person at Christian Schottenhamel on Nockherberg this Saturday afternoon – the originally planned start of the festival. “After 60 years we must not leave our landlord alone,” says Werner. Wiesn and inner city hosts want to create a cautious Oktoberfest atmosphere with their “Wirtshaus-Wiesn”. Make a virtue out of necessity: Many hosts invite you to tap under the motto “Koa Wiesn”. (Photo: imago images / Lindenthaler) In many places, traditional changes are being made Tapped a barrel at 12 noon. While the incumbent Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter, who is normally responsible for this, abstains, his predecessor and SPD party friend Christian Ude wants to tap into the Bahnhofsviertel – and ex-Wiesn boss Josef Schmid in Augustiner am Platzl. There should be chicken, Haxn and Wiesn beer in around 50 taverns by October 4th. Better than “sitting on the Theresienwiese with a case of beer”, as Werner says – because that was his first idea. Because he was not alone in this, the city imposed an alcohol ban on the Theresienwiese this Saturday – in order to “prevent private substitute parties for the originally planned Oktoberfest start with a high risk of infection.” “Go to the pub of your choice, whether at home or in Munich, don’t go to the Oktoberfest, celebrate in the pub, that’s just better,” appealed the Munich economic advisor and municipal Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner on the Bavarian radio.
Those willing to party have already arranged to meet at Theresienwiese. Anyone caught consuming or selling alcohol would face a fine. The Theresienwiese 2020 and 2019 in comparison: crowds are not welcome this year. (Photo: imago images / Sven Simon) Wiesn beer has been flowing for weeks – mostly “at home”: the breweries have brewed many millions of liters – some of the beer was popular better sales than usual.
There is a matching original Oktoberfest beer mug – as a “Koa Wiesn mug”. Carousels have also been turning in various places for weeks: a Ferris wheel on Königsplatz, a 90-meter-high chain carousel on the Olympic site, the cult roller coaster “Wilde Maus” at the “Trachtival” at Ostbahnhof. There are shooting galleries, traditional costume stands, cotton candy and gingerbread hearts – “Summer in the city” is the name of the alternative program. On the Theresienwiese, instead of the Oktoberfest hosts, climate protectors want to move in – in traditional costume, with wind turbines, rolling gardens, regional foods – and non-alcoholic beer.
They want to show what Bavaria is still. “Smallholder agriculture is also a tradition – and contributes to climate protection”, says one organizer. There is nervousness. According to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), the seven-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants for the state capital was above the critical value of 50 on Friday. In view of the increasing numbers, the landlords are strictly observing the requirements. “We are fully reserved – earlier I would have had 600 people in the house, today there are maybe 300 – we pay attention to the distances, inside and outside,” says Gregor Lemke, the spokesman for the downtown inns and boss of the Augustiner Klosterwirt. For the “Wirtshaus-Wiesn” as for all catering establishments, the regulations of the state government for protection against infection apply, underlined Mayor Reiter – “regardless of whether Wiesn beer or Oktoberfest delicacies are served”. As a precautionary measure, according to Lemke, there is only live music with accordion and guitar this year, no brass music – to protect against aerosols.
Not only for him, but also at Nockherberg and at Wiesnwirt spokesman Peter Inselkammer in Ayinger am Platzl there are no more places. “There is a lot of demand there,” says Inselkammer. Many regular guests have made reservations, and there is also a Oktoberfest mug for collectors this year (Photo: imago images / Ralph Peters) It would have been the 30th year of the Oktoberfest for Armin Jumel. The hairdresser will be on the Nockherberg instead of the Theresienwiese. “We are happy and will be there, we want to get as close to the Oktoberfest feeling as possible.” The 50-year-old usually has table number 089 in the Schottenhamel festival tent – the Munich area code.
He “inherited” it from his father who got it decades ago. In 1990 the father died, of all things on the way to the Oktoberfest. Since then he has been there almost every day – in honor of his father, says Jumel. On his reservation sign it says “Dohockadedodeoiweidohocka”: “Here are those who are always there.” That will now be on the Nockherberg – even if it’s not entirely true. This year it won’t come every day.
Günter Werner spent almost a thousand days and therefore more than two and a half years at table 180 in the Schottenhamel tent. At the end of the 1980s he even got his own telephone connection there. He will also skip a few days this year. He only wants to be at the Nockherberg from Wednesday to Saturday. In doing so, he will be spared what he never liked: people celebrating on the benches, from whose mugs of beer sloshed onto those sitting.
He wants a quiet event – “No Remmidemmi”. Source:, Sabine Dobel, dpa “WirtshausWiesn” is the name of the alternative to the failed folk festival, in which more than 50 hosts want to take part. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) The Cancellation of the Oktoberfest makes Munich difficult. Alcohol is now even threatened on the famous Theresienwiese – for fear of illegal substitute parties. Nevertheless, thousands of liters of beer will flow on Saturday. White-blue sky, sun: perfect Oktoberfest weather is announced for This Saturday, at exactly 12 noon on September 19th, the mayor of Munich, Dieter Reiter, of the SPD, wearing lederhosen, would presumably have tapped the first barrel of beer with two blows and opened the world’s largest festival.
But on Theresienwiese it’s called a test tent instead of a festival tent. Where else millions of liters of beer flow, people can be tested for the corona virus. At the originally planned Oktoberfest start, there could even be an alcohol ban there, of all places, in order to prevent private substitute parties with a high risk of infection. For the first time in 70 years, the Munich Oktoberfest has been canceled – a historic decision. “An autumn without Oktoberfest – something is simply missing,” says Mayor Reiter.
On Saturday he would have handed Prime Minister Markus Söder of the CSU the first mug of beer. Instead, however, the two went to the press together in April to announce the decision to cancel the Oktoberfest. “It hurts us,” said Söder at the time. Reiter spoke of a sad day and an emotionally difficult moment. Nevertheless, on Saturday in Munich it will be said a dozen times: “O’zapft is”. “WirtshausWiesn” is the name of the alternative to the failed folk festival, with which more than 50 hosts want to create the Oktoberfest atmosphere by October 4th. “For us, the Oktoberfest is neither a place nor an event. The Wiesn is a deep feeling of life that is anchored in us,” says the spokesman for the city center landlords, Gregor Lemke.
It seems to be the hour of the alumni: Former Mayor Christian Ude from the SPD, who in 2014 handed over the office and thus the tapping ritual to riders, is kicking off in the Bahnhofsviertel; Ex-economic advisor and ex-Wiesn boss Josef Schmid from the CSU taps in Augustiner am Platzl. The “WirtshausWiesn” wants to build on the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig with Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen in 1810 as the origin of the Oktoberfest. A horse race took place on the Theresienwiese, named after the bride, but there was nothing to eat or drink. The king therefore invited the subjects to the inns – perhaps also an idea for “King Markus”, says Lemke, referring to the Bavarian Prime Minister Söder.
Oktoberfest beer has been flowing for weeks – mostly “at home”: the breweries have brewed many millions of liters despite the rejection – the barley juice was sometimes better sold than usual. There is a matching original Wiesn mug, sensibly advertised as “Koa Wiesn mug”. Carousels have also been turning in various places for weeks. A Ferris wheel on Königsplatz provides a view of the city, while a 90-meter-high chain carousel circles the Olympic site. There are shooting galleries, traditional costume stands, cotton candy and gingerbread hearts – “Summer in the city” is the name of the alternative program.
At the “Trachtival” the cult roller coaster “Wilde Maus” beckons. Instead of turning at the Oktoberfest, the ox “Max” or “Paul” are now turning the grill at the Chinese Tower in the English Garden, and on Saturday there is ox meat in the legendary Hofbräuhaus. For showmen, innkeepers and stallholders, this brings at least some merit.
Hotels, restaurants, taxi drivers and retailers are also missing out on revenue. According to the city, the Oktoberfest 2019 had an economic value of around 1.23 billion euros – otherwise six million guests from all over the world come to the Wiesn. Full rides, overcrowded tents – the festival would have become a mega source of infection.
Otherwise the so-called Wiesn flu was already rampant. Doctors are also cautious about the Wiesn alternatives. If the hygiene rules are adhered to, the risk can be assessed, says Bernd Zwißler from the Clinic for Anaesthesiology at the University of Munich Clinic.