For example, on July 1 at 12 o’clock the results should be known
In many regions, programs have been developed and are operating "School bus"… By September 1, 2003, 18 regions of Russia with different geographic and economic conditions will take part in the experiment. The financing of the costs associated with the experiment is carried out within the funds provided for the implementation of the Federal Program for the Development of Education, with the shared participation of the subjects of the Russian Federation involved in the experiment. In 2001, at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, a billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program of informatization of rural schools in the country, including equipping them with the latest computer equipment, with parity co-financing of the regions. The program of universal computerization of education began precisely with rural schools, and this is evidence of special care. At the same time, libraries of rural schools received sets of educational and methodological literature worth 50 million rubles, textbooks on history, visual and methodological materials on state symbols. In the near future, the delivery of a 100-volume collection of Russian classical literature will be completed to each rural school. Educational equipment worth 13.5 million rubles was supplied to the experimental regions, which includes kits for classrooms of physics, chemistry, biology, foreign language, physical education, as well as computer equipment for regional centers that are working out models for restructuring the network of rural schools. In 2003, 600 million rubles will be spent on the purchase of sports equipment for schools. As a result of the experiment on restructuring the network of educational institutions located in rural areas, models for restructuring the network of rural schools should be developed and implemented for mass practice, which will lead to an increase in the diversity of rural educational institutions and, in general, to improve the quality of educational services, the possibility of their choice, as well as changes in the regulatory framework. Thus, neither the Government nor the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has ever set the task of mechanical reduction of rural schools (albeit small ones). On the contrary, the task is different: to provide rural schoolchildren with a quality education in various ways and means. But this is not only a matter of the federal center. There must be the same political will of the authorities at both the regional and local levels. Date: 15.04.2003 Title: Sequestration for students Author: IGOR SERGEEV. Edition: MOSKOVSKY KOMSOMOLETS Can only the rich be able to study in universities? There will be fewer free student places in universities if the government accepts the recommendations of the commission to reduce government spending. Its head, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, has proposed to cut education spending by 782 million rubles this year, and by 3.5 billion rubles in 2004. In Art. 40 of the RF Law "About education" written down: "The state guarantees the annual allocation of funds for education in the amount of at least 10% of the national income"… State budget revenues in 2003 are planned in the amount of 2,417 billion rubles, but for education a very small amount will be cut off from this pie – 97.6 billion. More than two times less than what is required by law. But even these crumbs are offered to be cut! Prosperous Western countries spend 6-7% of GDP on youth education, developing countries – 4-5%. In Russia, in 2002, only 78.12 billion rubles were spent on education. – 0.74% of GDP! This means that our educational institutions receive funds several times less than is accepted throughout the world. The proposals of the Kudrin commission, interestingly, appeared after Valentina Matvienko, who oversaw the social block in the government, left the post of deputy prime minister. The Minister of Education was unable to defend the rights of students alone. At a recent meeting with the President, Minister Vladimir Filippov assured: budget-funded places in universities will not decrease. On the contrary: in 2003 their number will increase by 2.7%, in 2004 – by 5.6%, and in 2005 – by as much as 7.7%. Now, apparently, the numbers will have to be urgently adjusted downward. If budget-funded places are cut, corruption will immediately increase in prestigious universities and academies. The competition will become higher, and the availability of education (especially for children from low-income families) – lower. Not everyone will be able to pay 2-3 thousand dollars for a year of study in a decent state university, so the poor guys will have to look for cheaper places. Thus, they will be forced to study in sharashkie offices, where a student ticket costs only 300-400 "green" in year. But they will also receive the appropriate quality of knowledge … Today, 53% of Russian students are already studying for their money. Over the past eight years, the largest increase in freshmen – almost two and a half times – occurred precisely in commercial universities: from 157,000 in 1994 to 387,000 in 2002. Over the same period, the enrollment of budget-funded students in state universities increased by only 24% – from 487.1 thousand to 603.8 thousand. The ministries that fell under the budget sequestration (the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs) were given a 10-day grace period: until April 20, they must prepare their proposals on "optimization of budget expenditures"… "Educational" officials will have a difficult choice: who to save money on – schoolchildren, teachers, students? Wherever you go, there is a wedge everywhere … Date: 15.04.2003 Title: Education reform Author: WRITTEN BY KSENIYA SAPOZHNIKOVA. Edition: PARLIAMENTARY NEWSPAPER Not every academician will cope with the school test The school year ends. For high school students, this is the most stressful time: you need to prepare for the final exams and tune in to admission to the desired university. The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir FILIPPOV tells about the innovations in the examination system: – All schoolchildren applying for medals in each subject of the Federation will be brought together to prove to objective examiners: they deserve a medal. This is not the only innovation that school graduates and applicants will have to face this year. For more than five years in Russia there was a system of agreements between schools and universities. In accordance with it, the parents of the graduating school students, as a rule, paid for the work at the school of the teachers of the university with which the school entered into an agreement. When the time came for the final exams, the same university teachers tested the knowledge of the students. In fact, the final exams were considered entrance exams. From this year on, such combined examinations will be prohibited. We welcome professors and associate professors of higher education institutions to the school. Let them improve the quality of secondary education. But the schoolchildren prepared by them must come to the entrance exams together with other applicants and show their knowledge there. In this way, we will ensure equality of opportunity in university admission. For the same purpose, early entrance examinations at the end of preparatory courses at this university were canceled four years ago. In the mid-90s, course prices were frantic. But the parents did not spare money, because they knew there was a guarantee of admission. Why should there be such a guarantee? It is necessary that applicants prove their advantages in a fair fight. By canceling the combined final and entrance exams on the basis of an agreement between the school and the university, the Ministry of Education continues to implement the Unified State Exam. In 2001, 5 constituent entities of the Federation participated in the experiment, in 2002 – 16, and this year – already 48. Since 2005, the Unified State Examination will be introduced throughout the country. Now we have started developing another innovation: ensuring the transparency of the Unified State Examination system. The transparency is as follows. In June, the student takes exams, receives a certificate with the results and sends copies of it to five or twenty-five universities in the country. Universities, having received an application, enter it into the database. Lists for each specialty are posted on the Internet. The list is divided by a red line. If, for example, the admission plan at the university is 25 people, then 25 applicants above the line in terms of the number of points for the state exam enter, those below the line do not. Parents with children at any time can see where their last name is. For example, on July 1 at 12 o’clock the results should be known. An applicant can enter several universities (this was already the case with a girl from Yakutia who was enrolled in nine universities at once), then in August he brings the original of the certificate to the chosen educational institution. From all other lists, his surname is removed, and those that were below the red line are raised. The final procedure is completed by September 1. We hope to work out this system in the summer of 2004. But in Moscow it is impossible to conduct an experiment on the Unified State Examination in the existing form.