Technology has become the answer to the problem of student overload.

Technology has become the answer to the problem of student overload.

Approve the attached federal target program "Russian language (2006 – 2010)" (hereinafter referred to as the Program). ??? 2. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, when formulating federal budget projects for the corresponding years, include the Program in the list of federal targeted programs to be financed from the federal budget. ??? 3. Recommend the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when adopting regional target programs in 2006 – 2010, aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian language, to take into account the provisions of the Program. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation M. FradkovAppendix Moscow, January 14, 2006, N 0072 Document: = 20116Within IP "Single window of access to resources of educational portals" there is an open electronic library of educational and teaching materials for general and vocational education.

Seminar of the Lomonosov School for school principals

Seminar topic: "Development of subject-oriented intellectual abilities of students"… essay on a hero This topic is a specialized one for the school. The development of intellectual abilities occurs through the use of educational technology "Intelligence"created by Ph.D. M.A.Ziganov, scientific supervisor of the Leningrad School. The seminar began with the author’s report.

The author of the technology told about the history of its creation. It is known that school loads exceed the child’s capabilities by 300-350%. The situation is not expected to improve in the near future. This is one of the reasons for the decline in the quality of education. In the ratings (tested by the international organization PISA), Russian schoolchildren occupy 15-30th place. Technology has become the answer to the problem of student overload. Technology "Intelligence" makes it easier for children to learn, easier for teachers to work. Studies by the Institute of Normal Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have proven that the technology reduces overload and improves the quality of material assimilation. Intelligence in the mass consciousness is often replaced by the concept "erudition"… Intelligence in the understanding of LS is the development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, speech (reading, listening, writing and speaking), thesaurus (subject terminology). The technology is implemented through a system of developmental exercises.

It is impossible to cover all the intellectual qualities – therefore the technology develops the most demanded ones in the classroom. Subject concept "Intelligence" put into circulation by the scientific director of the school, Ph.D. M.A.Ziganov. Technology also develops qualities that are poorly developed in a child at this stage of his development. For example, in 4th grade, the exercises develop the imagination. There are no methods for assessing the quality of the development of imagination in the psychological literature. This is also ours "know-how"…

By reducing congestion, motivation naturally increases.

As an example, we describe how technology approaches the solution of educational problems. In 7th grade history lessons, the amount of material organized in a complex way increases dramatically. To master it, students do exercises that increase their ability to hold attention, etc.

L.A. Koreshkova, head of the scientific and methodological laboratory, spoke about the application of the technology "Intelligence" in the report "Object intelligence. The main content of the teacher’s activity"… The participants of the seminar learned how the teacher prepares for the lessons, how he uses the assignments in the lessons, how the homework is checked, how the results are processed. The technology tracks the dynamics of the development of subject-oriented qualities. The results of all tests and exercises are recorded in the student’s diagnostic card.

On this map, firstly, the dynamics of the development of each subject-oriented quality is monitored and individual and additional materials are created for each student. Secondly, conclusions are drawn about the quality of the exercise itself and, if necessary, adjustments are made to it. Thus, the technology is self-developing.

The participants of the seminar saw the technology in action at open lessons.

The participants of the seminar saw how naturally and harmoniously the exercises fit into the structure of the lesson (without additional time). It is important that students work in a system – a system of repetition of material, a system of its organization. Children understand why they need this technology and solve exercises consciously, with pleasure.

Open lessons program:

Russian language, grade 8b. Lesson topic: "Minor members of the proposal", Petukhova Elena Ivanovna, teacher of Russian language and literature Mathematics, grade 6a. Lesson topic: "Reciprocal numbers"… Larisa Kartavova, teacher of mathematics History, grade 7b. Lesson topic: "Industrial revolution in England"… Kramor Alla Evgenievna, teacher of history and social studies Biology, grade 9a. Lesson topic: "Prokaryotes and eukaryotes"… Yanutenene Svetlana Aleksandrovna, biology teacher, technologist Physics, grade 7a. Lesson topic: "Forces in nature"… Shavkunov Alexey Rudolfovich, physics teacher English, grade 5a. Lesson topic: "Ecological problems"… Nugumanova Alsu Samatovna, teacher of English.

Feedback from participants:

Gerasimova G.I., methodologist of the District Methodological Center (OMC) in mathematics, mathematics lesson, grade 6 Technology naturally fits into the lesson.It became clear how much imagination is needed for learning. The teacher kept repeating: "Imagine"… I was amazed how the children were able to complete the exercise with fractions – it would not have been possible without a well-developed imagination.I want to note an important educational aspect of the technology – a self-control sheet, which forms the child’s self-esteem. Children can speak. The teacher deals with all children and does not divide them into strong and weak.I was interested in the Lomonosov test for switching attention. The teacher demonstrated the author’s approach to the concept "fractions are reciprocals", his approach is even thinner and more differentiated than the textbook.

Vasilyeva Yu.A., school 1118, teacher of English, deputy director for academic affairs The teacher’s work on the development of the student’s memory is visible. This is especially important in an English lesson. Many of the teacher’s techniques are new to me, I will definitely take them to my lesson. You can see how much better a teacher works when there is a team at school.Original game "Tic-tac-toe" interesting and effective. The lesson used your development for memorizing vocabulary, developing long-term memory.

Osintseva L.E., school 1132, deputy director for OIA, mathematics lesson, grade 6 The children worked great in the lesson. The teacher developed attention and thinking in both oral and written work. He kept the attention of the whole (!) Class until the last minute of the lesson.The teacher created problem situations.It would be interesting to see how technology works in other lessons.

Chukarina E.G., Deputy Director for Internal Affairs, School 1006 The system of work is visible. Each lesson, children work according to a worked out scheme. Thanks to the self-control sheet, the teacher takes care of each child separately. The children themselves formulated conclusions from the topic, and the topic of the lesson. Moreover, the teacher’s approach was unusual: it is customary to announce the topic to the teacher at the beginning of the lesson, in this lesson the children themselves named the topic at the end, coming to it on their own.

Konovalova LG, Methodist of Russian Language and Literature, UMC The class-lesson system, by definition, is not suitable for all children. This school has a family environment. Children don’t feel compelled. They are relaxed, so they can ask their favorite question: "why"… After all, Einstein said: "education is interest"…

Stepanenko V.V., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, school 749, physics lesson Students develop the skill of independent work. It is believed that speech needs to be developed through rhetoric, imagination – through drawing, etc. We saw that it is possible to develop speech in any lesson.

Kosach OI, physics teacher, school 1975, physics lesson It can be seen how the use of a dictaphone helps. Children are not shy about talking. "I want to tell"… This is phenomenal!

This seminar is a series of ongoing seminars.

The next seminar in a series of seminars for school principals will take place in January 2006. Topic: "Project activities of students and project activities of teachers as a means of increasing the effectiveness of educational and pedagogical activities" (for deputy directors for scientific and methodological work).

It will be possible to register for participation in the seminar on the website of the Lomonosov School

In winter, the beginning of classes in educational institutions of Karelia should be postponed to a later time. This was stated by the vice-speaker of the local parliament, former minister of education of the republic Galina Razbivnaya, commenting on the transition of schools in the neighboring Murmansk region to a sparing mode of education in connection with the onset of the polar night.