Allow it to Flow: Just How To Use a Frost-Free Liquid Hydrant

Allow it to Flow: Just How To Use a Frost-Free Liquid Hydrant

Operating liquid from a outdoors faucet can save your time. Following these basic steps to set up a water that is frost-free also help you save money and energy.

By Oscar H. Will III | Illustration by Ray E. Watkins Jr.

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It’s needed is a huge help whether you’re washing a tractor, watering a new patch of garden or filling a stock tank, getting water closer to where. Interestingly, setting up a brand new spigot, also the one that’s shielded through the elements, is pretty easy—especially compared to dragging several hundred legs of hose to anywhere task calls. Continue reading “Allow it to Flow: Just How To Use a Frost-Free Liquid Hydrant”