Actor Rishi Kapoor has died at 67 following a two-year struggle with cancer tumors. Rishi breathed their final during the Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai. His actor and wife Neetu Kapoor ended up being by their part, confirmed bro Randhir Kapoor. “Yes, he is no more” he told Hindustan occasions.
Minutes early in the day, Amitabh Bachchan tweeted the headlines saying he had been devastated. He’s GONE.! Rishi Kapoor. Gone. Simply died. I am damaged! ” published Amitabh, that has been buddy and colleague of Rishi’s for decades.
T 3517 – He’s GONE.! Rishi Kapoor. Gone. Simply died. I have always been damaged!
Created in the 1st group of Hindi cinema, Rishi Kapoor ended up being the son for the guy Asia call the showman, Rishi Kapoor, and grandson of this famous Prithviraj Kapoor. Continue reading “Rishi Kapoor, Bollywood’s chocolate that is original, dies at 67, Amitabh Bachchan says ‘he’s damaged’”